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General Information

Congress Date

Congress (AZLMC & LAB EXPO 2025) will be held in Baku on May 01-03, 2025.

Venue of the Congress

“Baku Marriott Hotel Boulevard”, Congress Center

Airport distance: 23 km

Transfer time: 30 minutes

Agenda of the Congress

Abstracts submission and start date: January 22, 2025

Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 14, 2025

Announcement of abstracts results: April 07, 2025

Congressional Language

The official language of the congress is Azerbaijani (speeches in English will be translated simultaneously).

Stand and Exhibition Areas

Booths and exhibition areas for the pharmaceutical industry and related device companies will be open to visitors from 01-03 May 2025 at the following times.

01 may 2024: 08:00 – 18:00

02 may 2024: 08:00 – 18:00

03 may 2024: 08:00 – 18:00

ID card

From 01 to 03 May 2025, we ask all visitors to wear their ID cards for security reasons at the entrance of the convention center, during the scientific session and lunch, at the stands and other social programs.

Letter of Invitation

The Organizing Committee of the Congress will send an official letter of invitation to interested visitors. This letter of invitation can be used to obtain financial support, visas and permits that the visitors needs to attend the congress. This does not mean that the Organizing Committee provides financial support to the visitors. The invitation letter can be sent after the visitors have registered.

Certificate of Attendance

At the end of the congress, a “Congress Participation Certificate” will be presented to all visitors. 

Organization Secretariat

If you have any requests within the framework of the congress, please contact Mice Baku (congress@micebaku.com).

Secretary of the organization: Ali Kapucu
Registration: Ayshen Teymurova
Phone: +994 99 885 23 07
Sponsor: …..
Phone: +994 55 885 23 05


Awards established by ASCLS for AZLMC & Lab Expo 2025:

Assoc. Fatulla Yagubov Award (Microbiology)
Academician Abdulahad Hasanov Award (Biochemistry)
Academician Zakir Garayev Award (Microbiology)
Proffessor Arif Afandiyev Award (Biochemistry)

Awards are applied to persons whose main (responsible) author is a member of the Public Union of Clinical Laboratory Specialists of Azerbaijan and whose dissertation is accepted as an oral or poster presentation.

Awards will be presented to 4 people whose theses have been selected by the editors.

In order to evaluate the award application, the followings must be done:
– Upload the article to the system from the “Submut Thesis” page;
– Completion of the conference registration process by the responsible author;
– Sending the responsible author’s CV, application form and registration receipt to info@azklmib.az;
– The poster or oral presentation must not be presented on another scientific platform;
Awards will be presented at the opening of the congress.